hCG Weight loss/Simeon Protocol
New Year’s Resolution Time: Ready, Set, Reset!
“Yo-Yo” Dieting , or, frequent and dramatic weight fluctuations, is not only a frustrating process for the life-long calorie-counter, but also not good for one’s overall health and bodily systems. By subjecting the body to these highs and lows, an individual is potentially harming his or her own general health as well, may be decreasing immunity, predisposing themselves to exponential weight gain, and increasing their risk of developing high blood pressure. “But I’ve tried everything and nothing works!” Rightly cry the naysayers of any “new” plan that may be proposed to them. However, many people are not aware that it is quite possible to potentially “reset” that which has made a weight loss journey an unsuccessful one.
This attempt to reset the body’s metabolism, and the way in which it processes (and stores) calories, fat, protein, etc. involves a regimented system for weight loss developed by the late Dr. A.T.W. Simeons. In 1959, Dr. Simeons discovered that in trials using the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadatrophin), obese and over-weight patients began experiencing unexpected weight loss with little to no relapse of gaining the weight back. Through grounded and extensive research, it was ascertained that hCG injections, combined with a restricted diet, for either 23 or 40 days, produced an amazing average weight decrease of one pound per day, with out feeling hungry . Dr. Simeons spent the following 10 years perfecting the hCG weight-loss protocol for men and women. Currently, hCG has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of Cryptorchidism, Infertility, and Anti-aging and has been in use for over 40 years.
So how exactly does the hCG do this?
It has further been revealed through Simeons’ research that the hypothalamus gland, located in the brain, is the connecting link between the nervous system and all of the body’s hormones. The hypothalamus gland, more technically referred to as the diencephalon, acts as sort of a “fat thermostat” hunger center of the body. A successful hCG weight loss program is one which centers itself upon “tweaking” the hypothalamus in an effort to re-set a patient’s “fat thermostat” and eliminate food cravings. It is not uncommon to see individuals safely shed about one pound per day while on the protocol, similar to the results produced by Dr. Simeons.
Once an individual has been deemed a candidate for the program by a licensed physician, through consultation, exam, past and current medical history review, and necessary blood tests, he or she may receive injections as little as three times per week. This differs from the original protocol in that the last 40 years of research has proven that hCG will remain in the system for 72 hours upon administration. Therefore, it is not necessary or as burdensome to receive the injections as it was when Dr. Simeons treated patients in an In-Patient facility during the late 1950s and early 1960s.
It is important to stress that blood tests are required to rule out any conditions that would disqualify patients from the program or to require prior treatments before a patient can start the protocol. These blood tests, a very specific diet, in addition to overall monitoring from a licensed physician and medical staff, are all crucial elements that may ensure the success of the program, whose duration may not exceed 40 days. The reason for this is that the body develops immunity to the hCG after this length of time. Therefore, if the desired amount of weight has not been lost during the 40 days, an individual must wait 6 weeks before resuming the protocol.
While a supervised hCG weight loss program is certainly a stepping-stone toward successfully reaching a healthy body weight, it is not the “be-all” “end-all”. Food choices, before and after the program, are critical as well as daily exercise. These are the true foundation under which all life’s future health choices and conditions will lie upon. “The age-old ‘ diet and exercise’ lingo comes back to haunt us once again”, the naysayers may think quietly to themselves. Alas, it is true. Even with groundbreaking studies, such as that conducted by Dr. Simeons, habits that will be life-long are the only true way of ensuring that the “yo-yo” days are in the past and optimal overall health and bodily system functioning are the way of the future.