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Inflaming Foods Are to be Avoided

Food sensitivities can be the culprit in unexplained health issues, says Dr. Paul Stallone.

by Dr. Paul Stallone

Certain foods have a reputation for their negative effect on our health. Soda, fried foods and chips are known offenders that can contribute to obesity and heart disease. While these foods should be avoided, they are not the only ones we may consider eliminating. Healthy foods have the potential to create disease, but unlike the obvious quarter-pounder with cheese, these foods may surprise us. Most people would assume almonds are healthy, full of nutrients like riboflavin, L-carnitine and vitamin E and an excellent addition to any diet—except to someone with an almond sensitivity.

A person with a food sensitivity reacts differently than someone with a food allergy, which can be life-threatening. When we eat a food that we’ve developed a sensitivity to, an immune response is triggered when undigested food particles escape the gut and enter our bloodstream, creating a sensitivity. Our immune system responds with antibodies to neutralize this threat. Many factors can contribute to developing a food sensitivity, such as food choices, stress and medication; some experts even blame GMOs and chemical use.

Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may even develop up to four days after consuming an aggravating food. For most people, symptoms are either ignored or compensated for. Fatigue is a common symptom that is often blamed on other sources and remedied with stimulants like coffee. Food is fuel for our bodies and should not cause fatigue. Continuing to eat foods that trigger a sensitivity can be very exhausting as the body works to eliminate them and is continuously trying to heal the aftermath, creating constant inflammation. Our body uses a lot of energy to generate an immune response, robbing us of important vitality.

This inflammation can lead to joint pain and irritable bowel syndrome, among numerous other conditions. Like fatigue, joint pain is often blamed on other factors, but is often a symptom of eating an inflammatory diet. Eliminating known foods that cause inflammation like red meat, dairy, sugar, saturated fats, trans fat and refined carbohydrates can help reduce or even prevent joint pain.

Inflammation-causing foods can cause much more than fatigue and joint pain. Many studies are showing the correlation between inflammation and cancer, heart disease and even Alzheimer’s. The acute symptoms of a food sensitivity, like brain fog, bloating, acne and fatigue are experienced daily and easier to track; however, conditions like cancer can silently and slowly develop into serious diseases.

Ignoring chronic inflammation can be a risky game with no winners. Speaking with a naturopathic physician early is key to prevention and, if needed, treatment. Blood tests are great options in determining an individual’s sensitivities. Knowing which foods to avoid is key in any treatment plan. If caught early, most symptoms will resolve within a few days of avoidance. If more severe conditions have developed, a naturopathic doctor can customize an individualized treatment plan.

Damage in joints can be reversed with joint regeneration injections, permanently addressing pain and breaking up scar tissue. Professional-strength supplements are available to help replenish and support connective tissue while helping with pain and inflammation.

A naturopathic physician is a great addition or sole provider for cancer treatment. Most cancer is a result of preventable factors, which heavily includes diet choices. Knowing specific food sensitivities is essential in preventing and treating cancer. If cancer is suspected or confirmed, a cancer-experienced physician should be consulted immediately. Alternative treatment is tailored to the patient and includes modalities like intravenous therapies, homeopathic remedies and high-quality supplements.

Even autoimmune diseases can even be attributed to chronic inflammation. These conditions respond very well to alternative treatments, making harsh prescriptions and their side effects unnecessary. Anyone trying to get the most from their diet should consider a food sensitivity blood test. While in the doctor’s office, any other concerns can be addressed. A naturopathic physician can provide natural, healthy recommendations on problems from colds to cancer.